

Welcome To GNAT IRIRS Library

You are warmly welcome to the library of GNAT IRIRS. The Institute’s main goal is to develop knowledge through dedicated research teams in the various directorates. The GNAT IRIRS library comprises of the Lending and Reference sections located in the basement of the Block B hostel building. The primary function of the library is to offer the necessary resources and facilities for effective learning, teaching and research in the Institute. The research of the Institute covers from education through technology to other important areas.

Semester Opening Hours

Monday – Friday : 9:00 am – 10:00 pm

Saturday : 9:00 am – 08:00 pm

Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed

Vacation Opening Hours

Monday – Friday : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday : 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed

Library Registration

Users of the Library shall be required to register with the library the Circulation Desk. A form of identification eg. An admission Letter, ID card, Ghana Card etc. will be prerequisite for the registration process. For the purposes of borrowing from the library, the students’ ID card shall be required as the essential document. Registration is valid for the duration of a registered programme. Non-members of the Institute who intends to use the library shall be issued with a library card and will be charged an annual registration fee of Gh₵ 50.00. Replacement of lost card will cost Gh₵ 10.00

General rules

  • Silence should be observed in the library at all time and any other behavior likely to distract or inconvenience other readers should be avoided.
  • Books consulted in the library should not be returned to the shelves. They should be left on the tables.
  • Smoking and eating are forbidden in the library.
  • Brief cases, handbags etc should be placed in the pigeon holes provided at the Circulation Desk. A tag will be given as receipt.
  • Books borrowed must on no account be passed from reader to reader, but must in all cases be formally returned and re-issued at the Issue Desk.
  • Cell phones should be on vibrate or silent mode at all times.
  • No seat shall be reserved for any reader. Please do not leave or use personal belongings to book a seat. Staff members may remove belongings after 10 minutes.
  • Books recalled shall be returned within 3 days or a fine shall be imposed.
  • All borrowed books should be returned by the last day of each semester. Failure to return all library books at the end of the academic year may result in examinations results being withheld till books are returned.
  • All readers using the library must enter through the main entry point and leave through the same point.
  • All library materials and equipment must be treated with care.  Any damage occurring should be reported at once.
  • All the users of the Library must enter through the designated Entry Point, and leave through the Exit Point at the Security Check Point, unless otherwise directed by staff of the Library.
  • Marking, mutilation and misappropriation of library materials are serious offences and severe disciplinary action will be taken against offenders. 


  1. Lending Services: This involves the loaning out of books to the users of the library (usually students and faculty) for a period of time after which the books are returned to the library.
  • Full –time Lecturers can borrow a maximum of six (6) books for a semester.
  • Part – time Lecturers can also borrow a maximum of four (4) books for a semester.
  • Students are entitled to a maximum of two (2) books for a period of two (2) weeks.
  1. Accession Bulletin: A quarterly Accession Bulletin covering all the current books that have been acquired by the Library is usually published on the Library’s website. A hard copy of the Accession Bulletin can also be accessed in the Library.
  2. Acquisition: The Librarian in collaboration with faculty, staff and students select relevant books and journals for the library
  • Click here to make suggestion (a link to acquisition form)
  1. Reprographic Services: The library provides the opportunity for you to print, scan or make photocopies of any material in the library at a very moderate price with high quality outputs.
  2. Research Assistant Services: The Library assist users of the library to conduct their research
  3. Selective Dissemination of Information: Relevant and timely information is passed unto faculty as and when available
  4. Off campus access:


Tel:   +233-20 893 0233
