The Council Chairman


Profile of Nana Mensa Bonsu, Asakyirihene
(Professor Edward Badu)

Prof Edward-Badu_council chair
Nana Mensa Bonsu, alias Professor Edward Badu is a chief of Asakyiri in Benkum Division of the Kumasi Traditional Council and a Professor at the Department of Construction Technology and Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Building Technology from KNUST and a Master’s Degree in Construction Management from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom and a PhD (Eng.) from Nogoya Institute of Technology, Japan. Professor Badu has a Certificate in Staff & Curriculum Development from Nottingham University.

Nana started his academic professional career at KNUST in 1984 as an Assistant Lecturer rising through the ranks of a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and finally a Full Professor. Nana was the Provost of the College of Art and Built Environment, KNUST from 2010 to 2016. Before accepting the office of the Provost, Professor Badu was the Dean of the Institute of Distance Learning (IDL) between the period of September 2007 and September 2010, where his transformational and inspirational leadership brought many changes within the institutional set up of IDL. During the same period, he served as the Head of the then Department of Building Technology between 2000 and 2002. After his tenure as the Head of Department, Professor Badu rose to become the Dean of the then Faculty of Environmental and Development Studies (FEDS). Professor Badu returned to the headship position at the Centre for Distance and Continuing Education from 2006-2007, and latter appointed as the Dean of Institute of Distance Learning in 2007. He has served on a number of committees and boards at International, National, Regional, District and Community levels, where he has played influential roles. He has also published over 150 scientific papers in leading journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Currently, Nana Professor Badu is a retired Professor on Contract at KNUST.

Nana Professor Badu holds prestigious fellowship awards in many World-class professional institutions, including:

  • Fellow, Chartered Institute of Building (FCIOB, UK);
  • Fellow, Institute for the Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (FIPCSR);
  • Fellow, Ghana Institute of Construction (FGIOC); and
  • Fellow, Ghana Institution of Surveyors (FGhIS). 

Though, trained as a Quantity Surveyor, Nana Professor is versatile and multi-functional with specialization including; Capital Project Financing, Construction Management, Construction Economics, Project Management, Staff and Curriculum Development, Distance Education, and Distance Learning Materials Development.

Professor Badu was enstooled chief of Asakyiri in April 2014 by His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene.  Nana is a practicing Christian and has served on the Altar at St. Anne’s Anglican Church, Ashanti New Town from the age of 8 to present.

To him, nothing is so fulfilling in life than reaching down to people, serving them and inspiring them to their dreams. What he is working on now, is to make things more workable for people and granting people opportunities he never had. He is married to Annie, and has six (6) children.