The Division of Continuous Professional Development (DCPD)

The Division of Continuous Professional Development (DCPD)

Aim and Rationale
The EDUSPA course was introduced on the basis that there has been a lack of training for most school managers and educational administrators who only graduate into management positions after a long teaching experience without any formal training in educational strategy, planning and administration. This made educational administration leadership unsatisfactory (NaSIA, 2020). The course seeks to equip school managers, educational planners and administrators with broad-based professional knowledge, competencies, skills and attitude in educational strategy, planning and administration to meet the changes and challenges of the 21st century education sector. The course also seeks to prepare persons interested in pursuing a career in educational administration or leadership to strive in their teaching careers.

Target Group
•  Heads of Basic and Secondary Schools
•  School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs)
•  Directors of Education
•  Principals of Colleges of Education and Technical/Vocational Institutes
•  Persons working with Educational NGOs, and Government Agencies
•  Directors/Proprietors/Administrators of Private Schools
•  Aspiring School Administrators

Module 1: Educational Administration and Leadership: Theories, Concepts and Issues
Module 2: Educational Strategy and Planning: Models, Concepts and Principles
Module 3: Assessment and Evaluation: Curriculum Issues in Educational Administration
Module 4: Personnel Management in Educational Administration
Module 5: Stakeholder Relations and Management in Educational Administration
Module 6: Emotional Intelligence in Educational Leadership
Module 7: Financial Management and Administration
Module 8: Education in Emergencies
Module 9: Educational Legislation, Policies and Regulatory Framework in Ghana

Learning Outcomes
• Improve participants’ intellectual and professional capacity to function as educational managers, administrators and planners
• Able to appreciate the role of educational administrators and planners in the context of inclusive and sustainable development in the field of education
• Become abreast of strategies to adopt in specific situations and how to optimistically handle educational crises or exigencies
• Effectively prepare, implement, monitor and evaluate educational strategic plans

Contract Hours: 3 weeks (36 contact hours)
Lecture Days: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm GMT 

Aim and Rationale 

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and other trends in Education in Emergencies, innovative ways of sustaining teaching and learning have become imperative. Teachers are increasingly required to integrate digital pedagogy into their lessons to reach learners in both traditional and virtual classrooms. The EDUTEC course focuses on developing teachers’ skills in operating ICT and using technology as a means of learning to promote the integration of pedagogies that incorporate digital learning. The course seeks to improve the technological skills of educators and to provide an in-depth exploration of the integration of technology across the curriculum

Target Group
• ICT Teachers
• Educators of all Subject Areas

Module 1: Digital Citizenship in a Global Community
Module 2: Foundations of Educational Technology
Module 3: Designing, Implementing and Evaluation of Web-Based Learning 
Module 4: Teaching with Technology: Online Teaching and Learning
Module 5: Managing Remote Teaching and Learning Environments
Module 6: Technologies in Teaching with Technology

Learning Outcomes
•  Develop technological skills in the effective use of educational software
•  Effective curriculum delivery through technology
•  Foundational knowledge and skills on how and when to integrate a range of digital technologies to support teaching and learning
•  Know how to evaluate, analyses, curate, create, deconstruct, and learn complex content using a range of educational digital tools

Contract Hours: 3 weeks (36 contact hours)
Lecture Days: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm GMT

Aim and Rationale 
Occupational pensions have become one of the key issues on the industrial relations agenda. The GNAT Membership PEN Survey (2020) highlighted the high demand for pension management education in Ghana. In May 2023, the National Pensions and Regulatory Authority (NPRA) started the first Pension College (PEC) in Ghana to build the capacity of industry players on pension issues. The ever-changing pensions landscape brought about by legislative requirements, new opportunities to de-risk or improve scheme performance, and the
need to embrace best practices in scheme management, create challenges for pensions scheme administrators and managers. The PEAM seeks to provide basic and professional training in pensions and offer continuous professional development to service providers and other industry players, train other professionals and graduates who wish to join the pensions industry.

Target Group

  •  Pension Fund Trustees, Managers and Custodians
  •  Collective Investment Scheme Managers
    •   Welfare Managers and Practitioners
    •   Insurance Practitioners
    •   Compliance Officers
    •   Finance Managers and Auditors
    •   Pensions Who Aspire to be Pensions Administrators and Managers


Module 1: Fundamentals and Background to Pensions

Module 2: Pensions and Retirement Planning
Module 3: Pension Schemes Design and Strategy
Module 4: Administration of Pensions Schemes
Module 5: Strategic Investment of Pensions Funds
Module 6: Pensions Statistics and Mathematics
Module 7: Pensions Trusteeship
Module 8: Risk Assessment of Pension Funds
Module 9: Pensions Legislation, Policy and Regulatory Framework

Learning Outcomes

  •  Effectively manage pension funds
  •  Understand the workings of pension management and administration
    •   Understand the differences between the old and the new pension schemes
    •   Answer all the queries of members of staff about pensions, retirement, benefits, etc.


Contract Hours: 3 weeks (36 contact hours)
Lecture Days: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm GMT

Aim and Rationale
In an era of increasing capital mobility and globalisation, rising conflict of interests between shareholders and managers, corporate governance has become an important management framework guiding the operations of corporations. The relationship between corporations and their board of directors, management, shareholders, and other stakeholders is increasingly becoming complex. In recent years, regulators and legislators have intensified their focus on how organisations are run and governed. Effective governance is the foundation of the performance and long-term sustainability of every organisation. The CORG course is designed
to promote commitment to good corporate governance, through the design of organisational structures that minimise oligarchy among the board of directors and management.


Target Group

  • Managers of Corporate Institutions
    •   Company Secretaries
    •   Investment and Commercial Banks
    •   Mutual Funds and Insurance Companies
    •   Trade Union Leadership and Administrators
    •   Consultancy Firms


Module 1: Corporations and Corporate Governance

Module 2: Principles, Models and Mechanisms of Corporate Governance
Module 3: Corporate Board Dynamics and Ownership Structure
Module 4: Shareholder/Stakeholder Rights and Responsibilities: Principal-Agency Problem
Module 5: Corporate Reporting and Compliance
Module 6: Risk Management and Strategy
Module 7: Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Module 8: Executive and Non-Executive Compensation and Incentives
Module 9: Financial Controls, Auditing and Disclosure
Module 10: Corporate Governance and Law: The Company Law

Learning Outcomes

  • Adopt the appropriate mechanisms and best practices for effective governance
    •   Value the shareholder and stakeholder rights and responsibilities
    •   Understand the key principles and elements of corporate governance
    •   Understand the oversight role and authority of a board and the relationship

    between board performance and its structure and membership
•   Understand and appreciate the content and application of the Company’s Law


Contract Hours: 3 weeks (36 contact hours)
Lecture Days: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm GMT

Aim and Rationale
Conflict is an ever-present part of social and industrial life. Despite the increasing rate of Snowballing communal and industrial conflicts, there are no bi-partite dispute resolution systems working in Ghana. The DIREM course seeks to enable persons working in the design, reform and practice of dispute resolution to effectively mediate communal and industrial conflicts to effectively achieve resolutions,

Target Group
•    Legal Practitioners
•    Trade Union Leaders and Administrators
•    Traditional Leaders and Authorities
•    Personnel of the Security Services
•    HRM Managers
•    Marriage Counselors
•    Clergy



Module 1: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Mediation
Module 2: Expert Evidence in Case Management
Module 3: Law and Psychology in Dispute Resolution
Module 4: Negotiation Theory and Practice
Module 5: Mediation Theory and Practice
Module 6: Conciliation Theory and Practice
Module 7: Divorce and Family Mediation

Learning Outcomes

  • Proficient in the general principles and practical dimensions of advocacy,  adjudication and arbitration
  • Equip with the knowledge and skills to analyse, manage, mediate and resolve conflict in diverse settings
    •   Gain advanced understanding of litigation and alternative dispute resolution
       Proficient knowledge of litigation, arbitration, negotiation, mediation and conciliation
    •   Mediate a variety of disputes by understanding codes of practice and standards of the mediation process
    •    Demonstrate and maintain neutrality, impartiality and non-judgment in dispute
          resolution processes


Contract Hours: 3 weeks (36 contact hours)
Lecture Days: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm GMT